Ollie's closeup
...thoughts from Ollie's peasized brain...
HOWDY BUCKAROOS! I'm Ollie, a long nosed leopard lizard. I hail from Murrietta, Nevada but I currently hang my hat in San Diego. Although I was born August 2004, I'm a hardcore Democrat. But above all else, I loves them crickets!

Tuesday, January 4

New Year's Resolutions v.1.0

Happy New Year! Didn't get a chance to ring in the new year but managed to catch up on my video rentals. I especially enjoyed Day After Tomorrow.

I've been thinking of my resolutions and here is a brief outline:
-Lose weight (see previous post). I look back at the previous photos and I was in tip top shape. WHAT HAPPENED??
-Exercise more. Should help me lose weight if not make my legs stronger. They look like little twigs.
-Eat a variety of foods. I loves them crickets but I need more roughage.
-Confront Russell. Running away isn't helping and might conquer my nightmares.
-Learn parcheesi. Might meet new friends this way.


At 8:49 PM, Blogger Miss Wired said...

Yo, Gambelia Wislizenii! If you're getting bored with crickets, I've got a kick-ass recipe for Roast Rodent... or maybe you prefer rodents tartare?

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Miss Wired said...

By the way, is there really a town called Calexico?

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Ohhh...parcheesi. I don't know how to play that either. Maybe some of my resolutions should be game-based...

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Holy crap, my roommate is from Calexico. And I guess there's a Yourman Road or a Yourman Street or something in Calexico that's named after another friend's grandparents. Or something.

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! I just read a Christmas card today that mentioned Ollie's blog *and* Ollie commented on my blog the same day! It is my destiny to add this to my RSS reader and become a faithful fan of Ollie, a fellow Democrat. Nice to meet you, Ollie! -k.p.


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