Ollie's closeup
...thoughts from Ollie's peasized brain...
HOWDY BUCKAROOS! I'm Ollie, a long nosed leopard lizard. I hail from Murrietta, Nevada but I currently hang my hat in San Diego. Although I was born August 2004, I'm a hardcore Democrat. But above all else, I loves them crickets!

Saturday, November 6

U2 can't sing in Spanish

You've either been skipping through the commercials or not watching television entirely to have missed the latest iPod commercial featuring U2 singing their latest single "Vertigo." The song starts out with Bono counting down in Spanish "Uno ... dos ... tres ... catorce"

CATORCE?? What happened to the numbers between 3 and 14? Did Bono just think saying catorce sounded better than cuatro? Or was his intention to have us notice it and thus bring it up the next day at the water cooler?


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Robb said...

that song is the start of their 14th album.

At 4:53 AM, Blogger santos. said...

ollie--it's okay, numbers 4 through 13? not so exciting.


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