Ollie's closeup
...thoughts from Ollie's peasized brain...
HOWDY BUCKAROOS! I'm Ollie, a long nosed leopard lizard. I hail from Murrietta, Nevada but I currently hang my hat in San Diego. Although I was born August 2004, I'm a hardcore Democrat. But above all else, I loves them crickets!

Tuesday, December 28

Winter weight gain and Russell

So I've been on this high protein diet consisting of crickets and water but can't seem to shake off this winter weight gain. In addition, I have another worry and it goes by the name of RUSSELL. He's a big green iguana and almost three times my size. He shows up around my place every so often and I have to admit, still scares the bejabers out of me. If I had an archnemesis, it would be Russell.

Me (with an extra tire around the gut) and Russell's head in the foreground.

GASP! That bastard Russell!!

One note of thanks to Miss Wired from downunder and Jess, fellow bloggers who dropped me a line. Hope you both had a happy holiday and yes, I did get a Gilmore Girls DVD set for season two. Yahoo!!

Thursday, December 23

It's my first Christmas ... EVER!

I'm so excited! I can hardly wait to see what I get. Hopefully a few box DVD sets and if I'm lucky... crickets. Ooo...

One more thing... I have my very own email address now: ollie_lizard@hotmail.com. Yay!

Monday, December 20

Five months old!!

Today is my five month birthday.
To celebrate I just moved into an even bigger pad and I'm almost double the size of when I was hatched. (I was barely five inches long compared to the nine inches I am now.) Looking back on those past five months, I've seen a lot and overcame a lot. (Did I mention I'm potty-trained??) In particular a brief illness in mid-September which forced me to see a doctor. In comparison, the survival rate for leopard lizard hatchlings in the wild is less than 25%. But I'm off medication now and much stronger than I was before. YIPPEE!

Saturday, December 11

My favorite online comic

Cool Jerk by my bestest friend Paul Horn.
It's doesn't hurt that he lets me crash at his place in a posh cage with tons of space.
But he sure draws cute girls especially ones named Puppy!!